Del 47
It was my job to make her laugh! It was me who had the weird moves, not Adam. And it was just ME who was supposed to lay my arm on her waist.. what is this?? how could he.. how could Sole do this?
Out of Harrys perspective – same night
We had just ate the delicious dinner and the party had started. People were dancing on the dance floor, talking with friends, drank some drinks and just had a fun time. I stood and talked to my cousin Matty, it had been a long time since I met him. It was great seeing him again and he hadn't changed at all, just as fun as always.
'So, how is it going with the music?' Matty asked.
'it's going well, we're on our big World Tour now and we will start on a new album this summer actually.. yea, we're pretty busy at the moment' Matty nodded.
'yea, i get that. It's your life now Haz.... as a worldfamous singer' he said with a weird voice. I laughed.
'yea, youre right.. i just wish i had more time with you guys'
'yea, i wish that too! You have to call me next time you'll have a freetime or something so we can catch up!'
'Yea of course, that would be cool'
'anyway, i havent heard any news about some new girl since that Caroline.. how does it goes? You know, have you met someone?' Matty said and i felt a warm vibration in my stomach. Just as he asked, Mathildas name popped up in my head. I smiled to myself. I reallyreally liked Mathilda, but i wasnt sure she liked me.. i mean sure, we had kissed a couple of times.. but maybe that just was a little fling she had.. like no more.. what if she never would be my girlfriend..? i sighed and looked at Matty.
'yea.. iv'e met the most perfect girl on earth'
'wow, that's great man!' Matty said and smiled huge! But i coudn't.. and Matty noticed that and look confused at me.
'wait.. what is it?' i sighed.
'i love her Matty...'
'thats great.. right?..'
'she doesnt love me...'
'what? How do you know?'
'i don't know.. i just have the feeling that this thing we have isn't as real for her as it is for me.. i dont know'
'your being weird man.. go to her and tell her your feelings, you have too! Then you will know for sure if she likes you or not'
'but it's just that... it feels like i will ruin our friendship' Matty sighed.
'i understand.. sorry, i cant do anything.. i just think you should talk to her' i nodded slowly.
Suddenly I heard her voice.
'No...' I turned around and saw Mathilda on the dance floor with Adams arms around her. She tried to get of his grip.
'stop it Adam, get of me' I leaved Matty alone and walked up to them, kind of fast. Then I pulled Mathilda away from him.
'Leave my girlfriend alone!'
Ur Mathildas perspektiv
'Girlfriend..?' frågade jag honom förvånat.. sa han precis att jag var hans flickvän? Väntavänta.. va?
'take it easy, we just had some fun' sa Adam och vinglade till, jag stirrade surt mot han. Zayn kom snabbt fram och drog iväg Adam, jag tror han såg hur sur Harry var.
Harry tittade snabbt mot mig, ängsligt, och innan jag visste ordet av var han borta.
'harry?' sa jag tyst... fuck, varför sa jag inget?
guud, förlåt för dålig uppdatering.. :( men som sagt äre mycket med skolan nu och framför allt eftersom 1D var här den här veckan.. ah, förlåt!
Superbra som vanligt, synd bara att den inte var så lång:( ni är verkligen jätte bra på att skriva! Älskar novellen! Hoppas nästa del kommer upp snart?:) x
skulle vart kul om ni uppdaterar imorgon eftersom jag fyller år! (:
jättebra kapitel! längtar tills Sole delen kommer upp!
Super mega bra!! Som alltid, ni är så jäkla duktiga tjejer :) hoppas nästa del kommer upp snart, allt är så spännande :Dxx
AAAH! skit bra!! längtar tills nästa del :)
Så sjukt bra, längtar verkligen tills nästa, hoppas att dom blir tillsammans och blir sådär typiskt nykära!